Terrazzo tiles are among the fastest developing flooring alternatives standing at the front line in the building and home décor industry. Even if you are not a contractor or architect, I am pretty sure you would have heard the name buzzing in the lips of so many building experts around you. Click here to read more about Terrazzo Tiles.
Though you might not be able to describe or recognize it when you see it, I bet you would have seen it before once or twice either in one of the luxury homes you have visited before or in one of the nice-looking houses you see on TV at least. What I am saying is that terrazzo tiles are trending in different parts of the world.

So, what’s is so special about terrazzo tiles? Well, I might not be able to pick one thing in particular that makes it generally accepted, but I do know a few things.
First, terrazzo tiles have a way of adding class and serenity to any residential and commercial space. You can’t just resist the attractive look. If you found a genius tiles that knows the ins and outs, you will nod your head – yes.
Do you think there should be more to it? Absolutely. There are several reasons home décor experts always recommend terrazzo tiles for glamour and beauty. Let’s look at the top 10 out of the numerous benefits that terrazzo tiles have to offer.
Top 10 Benefits of Terrazzo Tiles
1. Durability
Terrazzo tiles are the best in terms of longevity, and I mean that without any sense of hyperbole. Indeed, terrazzo tiles usually last longer than the building itself. That means, if you install terrazzo tiles on every floor in your house, the tiles will remain in their best condition till the house become dilapidated.
You will agree with me that buildings go through a lot of floor replacement or renovation in their lifetime, but if you install terrazzo tiles on your floors, you can rest assured that you will not change it ever. Amazing!
Now you know why it is among the best flooring options for busy places like schools, hospitals, religious centres and more. The reason is that it can withstand heavy machinery and the pressure of heavy foot traffic without the need for repair or replacement.
2. Affordable to Maintain
We have discussed earlier that terrazzo tiles can last for years without renovation. That makes it pocket friendly in terms of maintenance. Though it may cost you a substantial amount when installing it if you compare that with the amount you would spend to be any other type of flooring, it will be a profit for you at the end of the day. Indeed, terrazzo is among the cheapest flooring alternatives out there.
3. Highly Resistant Surface
Do you know that terrazzo tiles are free from fire, water, chemical spillage and other harmful stains that can damage your flooring? Walk around and see, you will hardly find a damaged terrazzo floor. Can I burst your bubbles? I have never seen it throughout the many years I have spent as a building consultant.
If you can get the recommended sealer from a local terrazzo tiles dealer, that is additional protection to your terrazzo floor.
Though, many people claim that terrazzo tiles are slippery. But, for me, that’s an absolute misconception. Terrazzo tiles are slip-resistant, which is why many contractors recommend them for the bathroom because it is safer to walk on them.

4. Design Versatility
More than any other flooring alternatives, terrazzo offers more design options, even in its simplest form. Now, you know one of the reasons it stands out from other flooring options. Terrazzo allows you to combine a preferred selection of aggregates, from glass chips to marble, with any resin colour of your choice. With terrazzo, you can let your creative abilities soar to any height.
No matter your taste and preferences, there is a design for you. You can fully customize your terrazzo flooring with a mix of amazing designs. More than that, you also add some special touches to your floor, putting a logo design or anything that ever comes to your head.
In addition, terrazzo is more than flooring. If you are an architect, you can use it to create impressive countertops, stairs, shower stalls and more as your imagination permits.
5. Eco-friendly
Terrazzo is environmentally friendly. Most architects refer to it as the first and leading ‘green’ flooring since it came into existence in the 15th century. Terrazzo tiles contribute to promoting a healthy environment considering their sustainable and sterile materials. Terrazzo tiles will not pose health problems on your house even if you can not keep up with your routine floor cleaning. However, regular cleaning is essential to maintain and sustain its good-looking condition for a long time.
6. Sun friendly
Do you know that terrazzo tiles look great in some areas with a high concentration of fun rays? Yes. You have to see how it looks before you can choose the right word to describe it. From experience, seasoned architects intentionally position lay terrazzo tiles in a house that experience more sunlight to create a special effect in the interior. Sun has a way of highlighting the hues without blurring for a long period.
7. Extensive Options
There is a wide variety of terrazzo tiles available for you. These tiles are lightweight but resistant to splitting, while the sand=pad type is very strong and durable. Let me be the one to tell you that terrazzo tiles have the widest varieties among other flooring alternatives.
8. Adaptability
One of the highest points of terrazzo tiles is that you can shape them into any form that suits you to achieve your desired designs without any stress. You can easily do anything that your innovation dictates with your terrazzo tiles. That is why most tilers enjoy working with it.

As much as the benefits terrazzo tiles have to offer, you will like these tiles the more, hearing that they are very cheap and easy to maintain. You don’t have to stress yourself buying some sophisticated chemicals for the sake of cleaning. You will only have to sweep and mob regularly. Then, you are good.